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Friday, March 23, 2012


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A lover in a window.

"it don be six long years since he left without a word...I thank the Lor' Ah'm okay; Ah thank the Lor' that he don open my eyes to see the glory coming from the heavens. Oh Yes, I do see them angels, in the chariots makin their way down fromheaven to rescue me from the deeds of wicked men."
" Now, you tell me Bessie, who gonna bulieve that? If that were true then why am I seein you here every evenin, and It aint no party I see you at.No each time I come here, it been in that same old chair I sees you, lookin off into the distance, watchin every car go by, to see if he has come back to ya. It's time to stop the maudlin now, he aint comin back, no more than dead papa gonna come back to life."
" You is talkin about the dead comin back to life? I 's a christian, Oh yes, I am dear Lor'! And I am ready to give testimony, I believe in the resurrection and the life after deatyh, no, papa he aint dead, he be alive in heaven"
And her friend shook her head in disbelief because she saw that the analogy was a sitting duck to be taken out of context by her sister.
" I am sorry to say this Bessie, but you aint the first woman to have been left by her husband, and believe ye me every moment of this day, there is another man moving on with his life for better or worse, so to speak. The difference is that they might wait a year for him but ah never heard of her lady who sat and waited for six years after such a betrayal."
" Ah wasnt waitin all the time, dont get me wrong, Ah've done a lot, ah've thought a lot; infact I even went out with a man or two in between, the waitin . And I is workin two jobs and taking care of the childrens, Ah've been known to rock a party or two. But then when the dust settles, I find myself goin full circle again, thinkin about everythin, in the way someone thinks who has unfinished business, and then I tsit inthis here rockin chair, thinkin about the past, hoping for the future.
" Now sister, Bessie, that don be some stupid thinkin, thinkin about the past which has gone, and will never come back; you may as well be living a life of fantasy in a swanky apartment on Fifth Avenue; As for the future? You have no future and you are the only one who does not know it"