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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Reyka, by unknown

A lush green of evanescent firs lace the landscape of seasoned auburn.
Despite their weariness and frailty the journey was commenced upon.
In prayer,a drowning flame in seas of wax the duo reaches it's zenith.
The travails of the past welling up, swelling to a bursting point.
The first toll-gates surmounted, calm was called upon,
to ensnare the bitter memories of long gone.
Silence and the reverberating echoes of such,
dotted in clamorous vibrattoes of love lost and gained, joy and pain.
No redemption to be had as they'd lost and must from love refrain
as they stubbornly embark on the journey to appraise the second toll,
and be appraised by the gate keeper,hope dwindles as a newborn
before term gasping for life within it's isolated world
of glass,plastic and cords, chords struck yet unheard.
Love reaches a crescendo sans our duo and loneliness head is reared.

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