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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

in a den of thieves continued

Indeed, there was nothing to accuse him of safe of being a reject of society, a fact for which he could not really be held responsible for himself; for he was little more than an angry product of the very society which condemned him to a life of crime and intrigues by virtue of the inherent corrpution upon which it was based, a corruption which denied the rights of the common man in every way imaginable. In its inconsistencies it created a veritable maze of suppressive regulations, and demonstrated that it could only be relied upon to further deface the image of the common man, and dehumanise him to the level of an unwanted creature, or byproduct of creation.  In this society,the common man rubbed shoulders with the rats of the slimy gutters the only difference being that the rats were fat and well fed on the refuse that accumulated unhindered, whilst the men became leaner with barely any extra flesh to spare on their bones.
" tell me Father, tell me, am I sinner to steal?"
For in his mind there existed two parallel reailties which were irreconcileable: in his soul he was still the mild and gentle christian who believed in the resurrection of the dead, and he believed that Jesus was his personal saviour, but he was a robber at night, and he was successful in his trade.  Like a schizophrenic he lived two lives and whilst in either life he faced that wholeheartedly and refused to consider the other

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