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Thursday, November 7, 2013

The graduation at Ife

The days of studying had come to an end. The young and beautiful Yetunde had finished and passed her final exams. As all young ladies who find themselves in the same situation the question becomes:Now what? Rarely does life or love pan out the way we envision. She had hoped that by the time of her graduation there would be solid plans for a wedding. However, over the preceding months she had seen little of Toks.. She had barely spoken to him that it now seemed incongrous that he planned to proceed with any relationship at all. The long nightly conversations had petered out into a trickle of communications mainly by the manner of impersonal text messages. And even these had become fewer and farer between. Although warm, they lacked all fervour, and ardour had been replaced by a demonstrable bored complacency. The matter had come to a full head on the graduation day at Ife. At the last moment he had failed to appear, and had excused himself due to an urgent need to travel abroad. Understandably, this had not gone down well with her. She felt as if the death knells of their relationship were tolling in her room. Nevertheless, Yetunde was a lady of faith and great hope. And so, she had held on to hope, and her faith in God, and with His help she continued to hope against hope. It was the same hope that had kept her going over the preceding months, when she had sat in her room waiting for the phone to ring. She had penned many unsent letters during those idle hours, which in the end she had torn up in frustration, saying that he certainly was undeserving of any letter from her. It was comprehensible that a man must make a living, but any man worth his salt would still communicate with the love his life.. All around she was surrounded by examples of devoted and doting fiances bringing food to their wives to be, and always visiting.

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