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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The 1-2-3- step weight loss blog

I have come across a  weightloss blog that might be helpful for those of us who are in a constant battle of the bulge, and I will give you here a few excepts for you to think about:
First of all, there are no gimmicks involved in this weight loss program, there is no cost to you, and you do not have to pay money to discover how to decrease your belly fat, nor do you have to use your hard earned cash to buy expensive foods.  I think you will find the tips I give useful.

#1: Stop eating out and eat only food cooked at home by your family.
#2. Stop all consumption of refined flour(white) and sugar and high fructose corn syrup.  At the same time switch over to whole wheat flour and increase your fiber intake.
#3. Commit to a cardiovascular fitness program of twenty minutes per day with the goal of cross training: alternate bike riding, with walking, swimming, tennis, running, yoga. And two sessions of twenty minutes twice weekly of building upper body strength with weight lifting.

Calcium: 1 gm per day, cheapest source is in tums.
Vitamin D; 1,000 I.U. per day.
Psyllium fiber supplement: Metamucil: 1 tablespoon three times daily with 8 ozs water.
Niacin 500 mg one tablet three times daily
baby aspirin 81 mg/day.
Consume green tea as a beverage, crystal light.

In addition please note the following:

1. Portion control.
2. Avoid red meats as much as possible, substitute with skinless chicken breast and fish.
3.Avoid dairy products: In particular for people of west african descent there is a very high incidence of lactose intolerance.  Moreover, the consumption of dairy products in the vegetarians of India lowered the benefit or completely ameliorated the benefit of a meat less diet as these dairy products are high in saturated fats and cholesterol. If you must consume milk then use soy milk products. 
4. avoid alcohol consumption, or limit it's intake to 1 drink per day for a female and 2 drinks per day for a male.
5. aim for three to five servings of fruits/veggies per day.

over the next few posts I wil elaborate on sample diet menus that you prepare ahead of time.  I will also go over some of the very popular detoxifying diets.

I think the bottomline to successful weightloss is do not expect this to happen to overnight, and above all you must be optimistic and patient with yourself.  i also want to advise all the people who do not have a work out place, you can walk up and down in one place, or around a room or a compound; obviously that is very boring, but it will accomplish your goal, meet me next week.

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