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Friday, January 25, 2013

Mr. Tokunbo Ajayi at a crossroads.

for three weeks he thought incessantly about what his next course of action should be, and in his mind he played out a variety of scenarios, pretend that nothing had happened, admit that something had happened, or just stay away until he knew what he should do next.   He consoled himself in the thought that no one can ever know what the future holds, yet inspite of this his own frivolity presented itself as an undeniable knife in the guillotine of his soul ever ready to fall and sever the fountains of grace which kept his soul in communion with God.  But, as all men, he had little power over the whims of the flesh, and he resigned himself to the fact that in due course, he too, like so many before him, would succumb to the demands of lust.  And long forgotten would be the loves  of old, which would remain as objects buried in the sand of time with  little  or rather nothing to disturb them, and their secrets to be forever forgotten.  For twith the passage of time, even the thought of Toyin had long since lost it's power to influence him, for he had so trained his soul to dismiss all thoughts of her immediately

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