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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A review of the low carbohydrate diet by Atkins

The goal is to limit carbohydrate consumption:
Induction; Goal 20 gm carbohydrate per day. Continue induction for not more than two weeks would be my recommendation.  I was never able to get the urine strips to document ketosis.  However, I think this diet is great for quick weight reduction, with the caveat that it does become quite scary after a while, and you worry whether you are going to have a fatal arrhythmia, or intestinal obstruction from constipation. I am not sure about the original recommendation in regars to caffeine, but I believe he wanted this limited. I drank a lot of tea and coffee and that may be why I thought I would have an arrhythmia? Anyway, I used Splenda in my tea, and light soy milk, and I ate mostly eggs, steak, and fish, and ribs, with some salad leaves. To be honest with you this was so counter-intuitive to me...I hate eggs, rarely eat meat; and I had to force myself to stay away from whole grains and fruits.  After 3 days I started incorporating some whole grains as well, and I must have increased my CHO intake to 70 grams with rye bread 2 slices, or saltine crackers 10, or WASA crisp bread 2-3/day, and a hand ful of almonds- not more than 16 almonds per day.
As you can imagine my weight did not go down more than 4 pounds in 2 weeks, but I felt better on the 70 gram CHO per day. Do not forget to use the Metamucil when you start this diet.  By my own estimation, if you walk thirty minutes a day on this regimen you should lose about twice as much IE 8 pounds in nthe first two weeks.
The interesting thing is that after 3 days on the induction 0f 20 gram CHO perd ay you will lose your appetite for sweet things.
In week three I added small servings of greek yoghurt, with a handful of raspberries for breakfast.  One serving of the yogurt is 8 gm CHO, and theraspberries are the lowest carbohydrate fruit I know about 12 gram CHO for estimated 12 raspberries. I also added some avocado, which 1 large avocado is about 20 gm CHO, some tuna salad, i for got to mention during induction i did have tuna salad several days.

In the Atkins diet he wants everyone to determine their CHO threshold, which means the anount of carbohydrate you cab consume daily and still maintain weight loss.  I think that this goal is important as I feel that as soon as possible, you need to get off this diet with high meat consumption, and much saturated fats, and convert to a diet with whole grains with a low glycemic index.  Thus, the oatmeal which we talked about earlier, which is a high carbohydrate food, the steel cut oats,1/2 cup, 1.4 oz, 150 cal,3 gm fat, and 27 gram CHO. This means if your CHO threshold is at roughly 70 grams per day, you have nearly taken in half of daily alottment.  

1 comment:

  1. Green coffee extract provides amazing health and fat burning properties.

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