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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Calorie king truely is KING OF THE CALORIE

You cant be too rich or too thin...

And for that reason, I think this Atkins diet is a good way to get the pounds down before you swing into a maintenance diet.
A book that has helped me to count the carbs, and the calories:
i CARRY THIS BOOK WITH ME  at all times, as I have had trouble running my"diet" iphone apps. it turned out to be cumbersome and tiresome logging my intake on their web sites, and I think maybe my phone kept getting disconnected from their sites, and this is supposed to be easy? The more difficult we make it, the less likely we are going to succeed.
Keep a running tab of your intake esp Carbohydrate, and when you fail once in a while, just hop back onto the wagon, no regrets.

If you plan to consume alcohol after induction, then go for the 0 carbs ; brandy, gin, rum etc. However, these drinks are high calorie, do not consume more than one shot a day if you are female, and 2 if you are male. Beware, this will slow down your weight loss, so when you are in turbo mode cut it out entirely.

BTW: I love the calorie king book, he is so approachable makes sense of all this food stuff for us lay folk. Lotsa pics too, just up my simple minded alley. After your holy book, Bible or whatever, this is the next most important book for the rest of your life.

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