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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Daily weights, mental preparation and bread substitutes: Keep to 16gm carbohydrate equivalent per meal for bread.

you are now ready to start on the diet, and the good news is that you can do this at home without a costly weight reduction center. A couple of things before you set off on this path of self fulfillment:
WEIGH YOURSELF EVERY SINGLE DAY FIRST THING IN MORNING. document your staring weight, waist size, hips, thigh diameter.
Prepare yourself mentally for the diet. remember, the first 72 hours are the most critical phase, as this phase will remove carbohydrate craving.
For those of you who cannot get the specific products that I have mentioned here for the ease of my western audience, then you will have to substitute wisely.
The mestemacher bread, can probably be substituted with a rye or pumpernickel bread. I guess if all these were impossible,  you could always bake your own rye or pumpernickel bread. I dont have a recipe for that now, but I will share with you some of my own bread recipes in the future; but as my current recipes are for people in the pur maintenance phase I will give you them later.  I have an equal passion for the WASA crisp bread, which I will give you nutritional info on later. But if you have this, 1-2 slices a day of this is also okay.
Now, if you have none of these, then my advice would be SUBSTITUTE with MELBA toast, or whole wheat crackers, or saltines, or water crackers: But max carbohydrate intake with meal 16 GRAMS CARBOHYDRATE EQUIVALENT.

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